

Niveau   10

Responsabilité Hiérarchique

Operational Research Epidemiologist and Principal Investigator

Responsabilité Fonctionnelle

Operational Research Epidemiologist and Principal Investigator

Domaine Professionnel

Medical & Paramedical

But principal

  • Coordinate specific operational research activities and ensure implementation according to the specific protocol.
  • Monitor operational research activities and provide timely feedback to the OR Epidemiologist andPrincipal Investigator
  • Human resource management


1. Coordinate specific operational research activities and ensure implementation according to the specific protocol.

  • Implementation of the study: “Use of LAM test in HIV infected adults in programmatic conditions”
  • Ensure compliance with research protocols and respect of the study procedures (e.g. patient eligibility, recruitment, informed consent, medical consultation, etc.).
  • Supervise the filling of the study forms and registers by the investigators and the completeness and consistency of the Case Report Forms
  • Liaise with the OR Epidemiologist, the Research Assistant and the Principal Investigator in order to receive directions and give feedback about the study implementation
  • Liaise with the project medical team to ensure that OR is smoothly implemented and do not affect the daily activities of the project.
  • Follow up data entry and analysis of OR when needed.
  • Update the team on project OR update through meetings
  • Monitor to ensure that there is no abuse of the allocated resources (financial and material) to the LAM study.
  • Submit a monthly cash request for LAM study to the admin and logistics department.
  • Ensure that all documents related to the LAM study are filed appropriately- copies of transport re-imbursement forms, delivery notes from logistics, signed consent forms etc.

2. Monitor operational research activities and provide timely feedback to the OR Epidemiologist or Principal Investigator

  • Check every patient file at least two times per month to ensure completeness of the CRF and give written and verbal feedback to the clinicians about any mistakes or omissions found.
  • Maintain an overview of special cases such as those that are LAM positive and not started on TB treatment, those that are very ill and not started on TB treatment, MDR TB cases: report/ discuss such cases with the project doctor and/or the Medical Coordinator
  • Monitor the trends in TB diagnosis and document significant findings; example, compile summary of patients that are started on TB treatment based on clinical suspicion alone.
  • Maintain an updated electronic study diary to document all significant events in the study (e.g. stock out of items, changes in staff, difficult cases)
  • Ensure that all deaths in the study are compiled using the mortality report form specific to the LAM study.
  • Write a monthly Sitrep for the LAM study and submit this to the project medical focal person, the Operational Research Epidemiologist and the Principal Investigator.

3. Human Resources management

  • Participate in the recruitment of HR needed for OR nurses and clinical officers.
  • Orient all new staff following the outlined procedures.
  • Conduct staff reviews of all the staff under your supervision.
  • Ensure that staff arrive to their duty stations on time and in the event of absenteeism, take appropriate measures to cover the gap and to ensure that patients are rebooked were necessary.
  • Maintain a leave plan for all the staff under your supervision and ensure that they are covered when they take leave.


  • Diploma in clinical medicine or nursing
  • Diploma in health systems management is an added advantage
  • Advance HIV training is an added advantage


  • At least 2 years’ experience in clinical management and care of HIV/TB
  • Experience in managing a team and coordinating medical activities is welcome
  • Proven experience in and knowledge of organizing and delivering training
  • Previous experience with MSF or other humanitarian medical organizations is an added advantage


Essential: English and Local language - written and spoken.


  • Ability to produce materials and reports
  • Good knowledge of computer skills including MS Word and PowerPoint.
  • Strong analytical and team leadership skills

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