

Niveau   10

Responsabilité Hiérarchique

Project Coordinator or MTL according to the context

Responsabilité Fonctionnelle

MTL, Project Coordinator, Medical Coordinator

Domaine Professionnel

Medical & Operations

Relations: Internes

Collaboration with all departments (Medical and Non-Medical), Specially managers and supervisors

But principal

The Quality Improvement Focal Point coordinates the continuous quality improvement and medical risk management of the healthcare activities in their project, through a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to quality monitoring and quality improvement plan execution. S/he works with project leadership, staff members, partners, and patients (or patient representative groups) to define quality of care priorities, to carry out and evaluate the actions required to achieve the defined quality goals, and to build a positive patient safety culture.


  • Coordinating the development of a transversal, multi-disciplinary quality of care strategy for the project with appropriate stakeholders
  • Working with each department to embed quality monitoring and improvement processes
  • Organizing or leading quality committee meetings
  • Supporting or leading quality improvement activities, including analysis of quality monitoring results, identification of deviations from best practices, prioritization of quality improvement topics, root cause analysis, improvement plan development and implementation, and monitoring of progress. This also includes supporting or conducting team-based case review such as Morbidity & Mortality Reviews or Maternal Death Reviews.
  • Supporting or leading the identification and management of healthcare related incidents, including analysis, follow up actions and reporting
  • Developing and carrying out quality improvement awareness raising and skills building activities using locally developed or MSF produced materials
  • Liaising with Ministry of Health counterparts on quality initiatives, according to the context


  • Quality Improvement or Patient Safety training is a significant asset
  • Clinical background is desirable (Nursing, Clinical Officer, Medicine, or Midwifery)


  • Previous humanitarian healthcare experience is a must
  • Previous healthcare work with MSF, another NGO, or MoH is desirable
  • Previous work on quality improvement is desirable
  • Previous management or team coaching experience is a desirable


  • Local language skills
  • Working language of the OC if needed


  • Quality Improvement Methodology
  • Developing and conducting trainings
  • Leading and organizing meetings
  • Writing strategic documents


  • Defines quality priorities and leads multi-disciplinary QI activities for their department, project, or area of work
  • Leads incident management and contributes to positive patient safety culture
  • Cross cultural awareness
  • Planning and organizing
  • Teamwork and cooperation
  • People management and development

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