The Community mobilizer and CHW will provide information and health education messages at the community level, and will strengthen the link between the community and the MSF health structures.
Collect and report (to IEC/HP Supervisor) specific information related to his/her community: perception of the sickness, food security, vaccination status of children, perception of the services, constraints and strengths, vulnerability, level of information, living conditions and risks related;
Deliver information to his/her community on specific health topics and about MSF, the services it provides;
Consolidate the link between his/her community and the MSF services; give advise how to better involve his/her community in the activities of awareness and prevention; indicate possible local actors or local NGOs and community project which could be involved in awareness activities at a local level;
Support the mapping of the territory and population: schools, churches, villages, gathering points; support and facilitate relations with local authorities of his/her community, where requested by the IEC/HP Supervisor; support MSF in the defaulter tracing activities
Report to HP Supervisor: activities, problems met, strengths and constraints;
Literacy. It is necessary to follow an internal MSF training on health messages (or, if possible, Ministry of Health training).
CHW training (done by MOH) will be an asset.
None is required
Has to be someone very active and well accepted in the community,